14. Amstelpark

Turn left at the roundabout. At your right hand side in the turn of the road you will see an entrance to Amstelpark. Go in. You can get in for free. The park will close half an hour before sunset. Look at the map of Amstelpark. Walk through the park from point C to point A. Walk through the park via your own route and leave the park at the main entrance on Europaboulevard.


The 1972 Floriade, an international horticultural exhibition, was located where Amstelpark is now. Amstelpark is very varied with all kinds of gardens and a lot of variety of trees and plants. Many people love it. See also https://www.amstelpark.info.

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Instructions 'Buitenveldert '

  1. Meeting island in the sixties
  2. Tree of life
  3. Go east across the bridge behind the benches
  4. Straight on to the patio
  5. Cross Van Leijenberghlaan
  6. To playground
  7. To the small football field
  8. Bovigne
  9. Van Boshuizenstraat
  10. From Nederhoven to Kalfjeslaan
  11. Kalfjeslaan eastside
  12. Aemstel school garden
  13. Riekermolen
  14. Amstelpark
  15. Mensinge
  16. Along water
  17. Holy
  18. Geerviet and police station
  19. Gelderlandplein
  20. Willem van Weldammelaan
  21. End of walk
Walks in Buitenveldert