18. Geerviet and police station

At A.J. Ernststraat, carefully cross the street straight on. Walk straight on Rotterdamsepad until you see the sports field on your left. Before you are there turn right immediately between the apartment buildings (photo 18) to the street called Geervliet. Walk straight on in the direction of Gelderlandplein.

Geerviet and police station

Photo 18: From Rotterdamsepad towards Geervliet

After passing the spot on the photo you can see near Gelderlandplein on your right side the police station of Amsterdam Zuid Buitenveldert. Behind it is the former fire station. Here is now a reception center for asylum seekers.

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Instructions 'Buitenveldert '

  1. Meeting island in the sixties
  2. Tree of life
  3. Go east across the bridge behind the benches
  4. Straight on to the patio
  5. Cross Van Leijenberghlaan
  6. To playground
  7. To the small football field
  8. Bovigne
  9. Van Boshuizenstraat
  10. From Nederhoven to Kalfjeslaan
  11. Kalfjeslaan eastside
  12. Aemstel school garden
  13. Riekermolen
  14. Amstelpark
  15. Mensinge
  16. Along water
  17. Holy
  18. Geerviet and police station
  19. Gelderlandplein
  20. Willem van Weldammelaan
  21. End of walk
Walks in Buitenveldert